![manga sensei comic](jpg/manga-sensei-comic.jpg)
This set of short, educational comics was created by Manga Sensei, a small team who has been creating Japanese language learning tools through their blog, like grammar lessons and a podcast.
While all of the panels and situations covered in the comic so far are quite simple, the Japanese itself isn't dumbed down like in a lot of other beginner resources and textbooks.
This new comic continues their focus on bite-sized, easy-to-manage chunks of new information for Japanese learners. Each entry has a specific focus, usually a piece of grammar. Then, each panel provides a breakdown of each word and an English translation. While it doesn't go too deep into the grammar itself, more information can be found in their 30 Day Challenge.
While each panel provides parsed explanations, there are no full translations of the content. You get to try to understand the content on your own. Particles are marked with a single asterisk (*), while common contractions are marked with double asterisks (**).
While all of the panels and situations covered in the comic so far are quite simple, the Japanese itself isn't dumbed down like in a lot of other beginner resources and textbooks. It's more natural, everyday Japanese, which can be hard to find in material aimed at lower-level learners.
The comic is still very new, so there aren't many entries so far, but they're aiming to update once a week, so hopefully it will grow into a very useful reading tool for beginners.