There is a luxury hotel called Meguro Gajoen in Meguro, Tokyo. It's said that it cost about 8,500,000,000 yen (850,000,000 dollars) to build. There are only suites in this monstrously luxurious hotel and each room is 850 square feet or larger. I don't think I would ever stay here unless I won the lottery…twice!
Despite the hotel rooms' untouchable price tag, there is one place in Meguro Gajoen you can use for free – the million dollar bathroom.

For $850,000,000, I would hope this building could transform into a space ship capable of rescuing its wealthy customers by blasting off into the galaxy. That way, in case the earth began to crumble, we could all take heart that the richest humans would live on to experience wonders we could never imagine. God bless you, rich people!

As you approach the entrance, you see the beautiful contrast of the traditional roof next to the modern skyscraper. Japanese chic at its finest.

We made it to the gilded entrance. Let's go inside and powder our noses! If you forgot your nose powder at home, you can borrow some of mine.

The toilet room is located in the innermost part of the first floor, so you get to walk through a gorgeous hallway on your way there. Walk slowly to enjoy the art and architecture. Unless of course, you really have to pee. In that case, run for the million dollar toilet and admire the art later.

On your walk, you'll notice another very nice looking bathroom, but it is not the million dollar one, so don't be fooled. If it looks like a bathroom a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon would have in his mansion, it's not fancy enough. Just ignore it and go straight to the staircase at the end of the hallway. Greater toilet luxury awaits you further down.

Finally, on your right, you will find this gorgeous gate. This is the place.
Are you pumped? I certainly was! I admit feeling a little 'pooped' with all that walking. I was already imagining the opulence that was in store for me. All right, let's get in there!

As you might expect, this is not a unisex toilet. It's not an Applebee's bathroom. This is top of the line. Bruce Wayne would pee here.
After passing these beautiful walls, I was only able to get a glimpse of the men's side. We'll have to cover that when Koichi goes there sometime.
The solid gold toilet was getting so close I could almost taste it.

Now safely in the women's section of the million dollar bathroom, I was faced with this cute little bridge stretching over top a babbling brook. I wonder if the men's side has Benkei standing guard on the bridge. You must defeat him to make it to the golden toilet. If one of you male readers goes here, let me know if this is true.

While the mirrors and counter look kind of normal…

…the decorative ceiling is really outstanding! If you're holding back your pee, I don't recommend looking at these pictures beforehand because you won't be doing your bladder any favors. Just go do what you came to do first, and then admire the beautiful ceiling. It will still be there when you're done. Probably.

OMG! I was finally about to open the hallowed red door. You know there is no shortage of insane toilets in Japan, right? So I was so excited to see the singing, dancing, poetry reciting, beef wellington making, card trick performing, solid pearl king of all toilets! "How could I possibly desecrate something so beautiful," I wondered. BUT the anticipation was almost too much to take, so I slowly pulled the door open and…


For shame! It's so…normal. You can't imagine my supreme disappointment. However, with a heavy heart and an aching bladder, I did what I went there to do – take a picture!
Mami’s Review
I really really wish the actual toilet was made of gold, or at least painted in a golden color. I was disappointed. I think they should still do that. It’s not tooi-late. (I wanted to make a toilet pun. Does it work? I don’t know. lol!)
Meguro Gajoen
Additional Information
1-8-1 Shimomeguro
Meguro, Tokyo Prefecture 153-0064